
Starts at $75hr


Fees Apply~

Anywhere in south Siskiyou Country. Contact for more info.

Starts at $125hr


Fees Apply~

High-Quality unwatermarked images for your business. Anywhere in south Siskiyou. Discounted for businesses in Dunsmuir! contact for more information.

Hourly pay includes post-production, and shoot time, an average shoot is 1-2 hours, and the same is for post-production.

Remember pay Is Negotiable so don’t hesitate to shoot me an email and talk about a reasonable price for the situation!

My fees are Travel (Gas cost) and other fees if need be. The Travel fee is determined by the miles traveled both ways X the cost of gas at Manfredi’s.

(Probably not more than $10.)

I plan on selling prints in the future. I am also in the works of a secret little something with the Art Museum and Shareen Strauss!